Thursday, July 3, 2014

Absence makes the heart grow fonder...?

Life has definitely been keeping me busy lately.  I feel that is the the beginning of each blog post but really, it is. As I have been trying not to bake too much in the 100+ degree weather I don't want to turn people down. I have had a few projects which I am happy with the turn out but not impressed with it. Of course, I am my own worst critic but it is hard to immerse  myself 100% with everything that is going on lately and I never want to give out a product that's less than 100%.  So as we enter a new month I have set some goals for myself that I think will help in my personal, financial, and social life. 

But isn't this blog about baking and creativity!? Yes so moving on..
I have been blessed to be employed at Pita Jungle Arrowhead for 6 years now! There have been ups and downs but I wouldn't trade it for anything! And mostly,  I am SO THANKFUL for the people I have met and the way they have impacted my life. So with that being said, I made a Pita Jungle happy 6 years cake using the logo . The flavor is chocolate with a graham cracker bottom and s'mores cheesecake center. (It was quite a hit! And a good treat after working a shift!)
Next was a cake for a family friend who has recently retired! I love when I'm able to have the creative freedom to do what I want for a cake.  The request was "something small, chocolate, retirement, and golf.." And this is what I came up with! The cake was my grandmas secret chocolate cake recipe which is to die for and I put a chocolate filling!  I was happy with the turn out of this cake!
It's a meee Mario! Ok so, look at this picture...
Now look at this.. I can admit I'm not perfect and Mario is in need of a facelift ASAP! I don't know what I did wrong but clearly I didn't do something right. Not to mention it wasn't easy trying to support the huge rice Krispy treat head of Mario on top of the small cake. Practice makes perfect so next time maybe a little more research before constructing. 
Last but not least.. Well ok maybe least it's not one of my favorites. Ironman cake for a boy's birthday. Again, the head is made of rice Krispy treats and there was no facial sag this time! Thank god! And yes that is a real tap light! Which was actually pretty easy to construct into the cake. The cake did have a lot of structural support in it the customer still got to enjoy it! It was cool to do something different (adding the light to the cake) and having it turn out how I wanted. 

So although my baking creativity hasn't been flowing I still crave to be creative in other ways and I have kept up painting! I tried some acrylics and using Elmer's glue to try to make a cool design. Next time I think ill use a caulk or something thst doesn't dry clear so the pencil marks don't show. But, if your looking for a fun easy project here's a fun diy art project.

What you need: 
-a canvas for painting
-Elmer's glue or caulk or white puffy paint
- a design or idea 
-acrylic or watercolor paint 

Draw,with the pencil, a design on to a canvas that can be outlined in the glue or caulk. 

Now trace the pencil outline with the glue or caulk. 
Now is where the patience comes in, you have to let it dry. Make sure it is COMPLETELY dry! And then using your paints add in the color and don't color outside the lines this time! 
And here's the end product! Clearly, not the most intricate picture but something simple, fun, and relaxing! A good gift or decor in your house! 

As July proceeds, one of my goals is to keep up on my postings so hopefully you will hear from me sooner!  So here's to July and doing things for me! 

"When things aren't adding up in your life... Start subtracting!" (A new motto for me to live by!) 

Sarah ;)

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