Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Black and white!

This week was not as busy as last week, thank god! I love business but sometimes with my full time job it gets a little hectic. All is had this week was graduation cupcakes, a birthday cake, and birthday bundt cakes. I didn't get many pictures this week but I got quite a few of the birthday cake. 
First two layers. The top layer is a champagne peach with peach champagne and fresh peach pieces. The flavor of the cake wasn't too peachy or didn't have a hint ofchampagne but it was a good flavor. The second layer was a confetti white cake.
The bottom layer was just classic chocolate! With a lot of piping detail! When I went to put the cake in the fridge I accidently put my hand in the side and messed it up a bit but it was fixable. 
The final outcome! So pretty and classic! Of course it's not perfect but practice makes perfection! 

Mind you this week I also did another run in between the baking! I wasn't as successful as the previous run because I haven't been running as much and the temperature was very different. This run wasn't as serious as the pat run and I had so much fun! I'll be participating in another color run very soon! 
Running with Emily!
So colorful! 
Throwing the color at each other! 

It was another great week with more successful baking projects! 

Sarah :)

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