Sunday, March 30, 2014

Started from the bottom now I'm here!

Do you have a bucket list? I don't necessarily have an actually list but I do have a few in my head and I got to cross one off my list yesterday, hiking Camelback Mountain! For anyone that has known me knows I haven't always been the fittest person so to be able to climb the mountain and not die is a big accomplishment! Don't get me wrong, it was a challenging hike, but I managed to get up and down without falling and or dying. The best part was being at the top and seeing all of Phoenix below! It was definitely the prize in the bottom of the cereal box. 
At the top! 
Smoggy day...
I wish I could have taken a picture of the obsticles while going up the mountain! But you can go and see for yourself! I'll definitely be going back and hopefully one day take my mom! 
Pretty Arizona flowers! 

After the hike, I endulged in all the calories at The Henry! It was great and will be visiting there again soon! I had the carrot cake pancakes and a Bloody Mary! It hit the spot after the long hike! 
I will probably recreate the pancakes myself with a Moffa's Muffintops twist! All in all it was a great day filled with lists crossed off and tummies filled! 

Sarah :)

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Productive production!

Wow how this week has flown by, can't believe it's already Thursday! Today was pretty productive I got my hair done, made a Moffa's Muffintop order and of course worked at the ole Pita Jungle! 

I'm so thankful my friends are so artistic and make me BEAUTIFUL! Shout out to my BFF Samantha for doing an amazing job on my hair! I'm now ready for the summer with a great new ombré glow! 

After! Beautiful ombré! #carselfie 

Before work I did an order for one of my cooks at work he requested chocolate covered marshmellows and strawberries! He said to be creative and decorate however. This was one of my easier projects but I really liked how they turned out
And they were delicious too... I did try a strawberry or two! ;)

And finally off to work! So blessed for my job and the people that work there! They make my life easier (most of the time) and make going to work pleasant! 
After working hard it's always necessary to check social media! Ha ha! Love these kids!

Anyways, it was a pretty productive and positive day! Can't complain when life is good! 

Sarah :)

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

One potato, two potato, three potato, sweet potato!

I have been trying to make a conscious effort to eat at least 3 to 4 times a day and be healthy! I start out real good but fall off the wagon real easily! Today was one of those days that started well and ended with nachos. :( oopps! 

But to help my healthy habits I have started following some Instagram profiles for new recipes to try. I like to be inspired by recipes but put my own twist on them. Because I can't be a successfully baker/cook if I am just replicating.  Even when people show me pictures of a cake they want I try to make it my own. Anyways, my inspiration today came from She has a lot of good healthy, tasty recipes!  Today I made sweet potato waffles. I had a left over sweet potato from yesterday's spinach sweet potato quesadilla and since you only need a 1/2 cup for the recipe it was perfect! Now, don't get discouraged due to time because this morning I had to work and it ended up being a quick fix! I took all the dry ingredients and tossed them into the blender 
After I made a fine mixture with the dry ingredients I added the wet ones and blended them all together. The recipe made about 4 medium sized waffles. They turned out delicious and would totally make them again maybe adding various toppings to the next batch. 
Needless to say it was a great start to the day! Just enough to hold me over until lunch! 

Hope you can recreate the recipe and add your own twist with toppings or variations!

Sarah :)

Sweet potato waffles 
(Adapted from
1/2 cup flour (or gluten free flour for those who prefer)
1/3 cup oats
1 scoop body by vi sweet cream protein powder (or any protein powder) 
1 tbs chia seed
1tsp cinnamon
1tsp baking powder 
Put these into the blender and blend until a fine mixture.
Next add the wet ingredients
1 egg
1/2 cup sweet potato
1/2 cup almond milk
1tsp vanilla 
2 tbs agave sweetener 
Blend these with the dry ingredients.
Next scoop about 1/2 cup into your waffle iron, cook, and enjoy! Like I mentioned before add your own toppings such as fresh fruit or honey or eat them plain like I did!  

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hobby blogging!

Hobby blogging!

I have decided to jump on the bandwagon of blogging!  I'm sure you all know about my infatuation with baking but the fun doesn't stop there! I also love crafting, cooking, shopping and fashion, among any other activities I can get my hands on! 
I'm sure most of the blog will be filled with cooking and baking because that is what I devote most of my time to! My goal of this year is to promote my business Moffa's Muffintops to one day be a thriving business to support myself! (Please feel free to send ideas how to market myself or grow my business input is always accepted)  

So please feel free to jump on my bandwagon and follow my blog! 

Top left: roasted cauliflower and chickpea tacos top right: me enjoying Saturday brunch (I also consider myself a foodie) bottom left: my gel nail obsession changed about every 2 weeks or when there's a chip bottom right: my cakepops for a baby girl shower 

Sarah :)