Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hobby blogging!

Hobby blogging!

I have decided to jump on the bandwagon of blogging!  I'm sure you all know about my infatuation with baking but the fun doesn't stop there! I also love crafting, cooking, shopping and fashion, among any other activities I can get my hands on! 
I'm sure most of the blog will be filled with cooking and baking because that is what I devote most of my time to! My goal of this year is to promote my business Moffa's Muffintops to one day be a thriving business to support myself! (Please feel free to send ideas how to market myself or grow my business input is always accepted)  

So please feel free to jump on my bandwagon and follow my blog! 

Top left: roasted cauliflower and chickpea tacos top right: me enjoying Saturday brunch (I also consider myself a foodie) bottom left: my gel nail obsession changed about every 2 weeks or when there's a chip bottom right: my cakepops for a baby girl shower 

Sarah :)

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