Thursday, March 27, 2014

Productive production!

Wow how this week has flown by, can't believe it's already Thursday! Today was pretty productive I got my hair done, made a Moffa's Muffintop order and of course worked at the ole Pita Jungle! 

I'm so thankful my friends are so artistic and make me BEAUTIFUL! Shout out to my BFF Samantha for doing an amazing job on my hair! I'm now ready for the summer with a great new ombré glow! 

After! Beautiful ombré! #carselfie 

Before work I did an order for one of my cooks at work he requested chocolate covered marshmellows and strawberries! He said to be creative and decorate however. This was one of my easier projects but I really liked how they turned out
And they were delicious too... I did try a strawberry or two! ;)

And finally off to work! So blessed for my job and the people that work there! They make my life easier (most of the time) and make going to work pleasant! 
After working hard it's always necessary to check social media! Ha ha! Love these kids!

Anyways, it was a pretty productive and positive day! Can't complain when life is good! 

Sarah :)

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