Wednesday, March 26, 2014

One potato, two potato, three potato, sweet potato!

I have been trying to make a conscious effort to eat at least 3 to 4 times a day and be healthy! I start out real good but fall off the wagon real easily! Today was one of those days that started well and ended with nachos. :( oopps! 

But to help my healthy habits I have started following some Instagram profiles for new recipes to try. I like to be inspired by recipes but put my own twist on them. Because I can't be a successfully baker/cook if I am just replicating.  Even when people show me pictures of a cake they want I try to make it my own. Anyways, my inspiration today came from She has a lot of good healthy, tasty recipes!  Today I made sweet potato waffles. I had a left over sweet potato from yesterday's spinach sweet potato quesadilla and since you only need a 1/2 cup for the recipe it was perfect! Now, don't get discouraged due to time because this morning I had to work and it ended up being a quick fix! I took all the dry ingredients and tossed them into the blender 
After I made a fine mixture with the dry ingredients I added the wet ones and blended them all together. The recipe made about 4 medium sized waffles. They turned out delicious and would totally make them again maybe adding various toppings to the next batch. 
Needless to say it was a great start to the day! Just enough to hold me over until lunch! 

Hope you can recreate the recipe and add your own twist with toppings or variations!

Sarah :)

Sweet potato waffles 
(Adapted from
1/2 cup flour (or gluten free flour for those who prefer)
1/3 cup oats
1 scoop body by vi sweet cream protein powder (or any protein powder) 
1 tbs chia seed
1tsp cinnamon
1tsp baking powder 
Put these into the blender and blend until a fine mixture.
Next add the wet ingredients
1 egg
1/2 cup sweet potato
1/2 cup almond milk
1tsp vanilla 
2 tbs agave sweetener 
Blend these with the dry ingredients.
Next scoop about 1/2 cup into your waffle iron, cook, and enjoy! Like I mentioned before add your own toppings such as fresh fruit or honey or eat them plain like I did!  

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