Sunday, March 30, 2014

Started from the bottom now I'm here!

Do you have a bucket list? I don't necessarily have an actually list but I do have a few in my head and I got to cross one off my list yesterday, hiking Camelback Mountain! For anyone that has known me knows I haven't always been the fittest person so to be able to climb the mountain and not die is a big accomplishment! Don't get me wrong, it was a challenging hike, but I managed to get up and down without falling and or dying. The best part was being at the top and seeing all of Phoenix below! It was definitely the prize in the bottom of the cereal box. 
At the top! 
Smoggy day...
I wish I could have taken a picture of the obsticles while going up the mountain! But you can go and see for yourself! I'll definitely be going back and hopefully one day take my mom! 
Pretty Arizona flowers! 

After the hike, I endulged in all the calories at The Henry! It was great and will be visiting there again soon! I had the carrot cake pancakes and a Bloody Mary! It hit the spot after the long hike! 
I will probably recreate the pancakes myself with a Moffa's Muffintops twist! All in all it was a great day filled with lists crossed off and tummies filled! 

Sarah :)

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