Sunday, April 27, 2014

Beer, Run!

Another check off the ole bucket list this week, run a race! Pat Tillman run was Saturday and my goal was to run the entire way and finish! And ladies and gentlemen, I did just that! Why you must ask is this a big deal? Well in my childhood years I wasn't the most active kid. Yes I danced but other than that I was pretty much a couch potato or for my generation a computer potato. Luckily my senior year of high school I got a kick start on some weight loss and since then I haven't looked back! My hold isn't to be skinny but to be healthy! My childhood was also filled with lots of sickness, medication, and restrictions thus now trying to be a little more health conscience. 
 Anyways back to the run.. It was 4.2 miles in Tempe to honor Pat Tillman foundation. I have been training for about a month and yes I'm sure most people didn't have to train but like mentioned before I am not a runner til recent. I had struggled to run the full 4 miles on the treadmill probably due to sheer boredom but Saturday the 4.2 miles was not a problem! Not only did I run the WHOLE time but I also did it in 43 minutes! It was a rewarding experience I have to admit I did shed a tear or two once I crossed the finish line. I felt VERY accomplished after the run and can't wait for the next one!
Where we started... Well not really we kinda cut ahead.. Oops!
So many people! 30,000 people came out to run!
After I went thru the finish line!! Wooo hoo!!! I made it!!!
My support team! The girls I ran with! Can't wait to do it again!

After the run it was time to go home to get ready for work and deliver the cake for this week! It was a 7 layer confetti cake shaped like a PBR can. This was a project I have never done so it was a learning experience this week. How do you cover it in fondant, how do you support it, what sprinkles work best for making your own confetti cake...? 
Here's one of the layers. I used red white and blue nonpareils that I froze and just lightly folded into the batter because they quickly turned the batter purple. Maybe next time I'll just use jimmies.
I read that you need a large dowel down the center of the cake and I have never done this before and I also wondered if I still needed dowels thru-out the cake... The answer was yes! Next time I make a cake this big I will make a whole in each cake board before putting the cake on it. Before putting the large dowel in I had to sharpen it! Luckily, it was easy and I didn't cut myself!
The cake with crumb coat and all supported!
The cake with all the frosting. You can see the size of it next to the cup sitting next to it!
All the fondant is on! This was very difficult because I didn't drape it over the top and wrapped it around.. It wasn't the best fondant job but at the time there was no redoing it especially after I rolled the fondant for over an hour! 
The top view also made of fondant. I used the spray color and it was a little splotchy... Next time maybe ill just use gray fondant with a pixie dust over.
Finished product! I wished after I completed it I could do it again knowing all the things I learned but, I think it turned out pretty good! It weighed about 30lbs if not more! 
The opposite side! Happy Birthday Adam! 

It was an eventful week with another successful cake! Stay tuned for this weeks cake Disney's Cars! 

Have a good week!
Sarah :)

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