Sunday, April 20, 2014

Hoppy Easter!

What a week! A lot went on and I felt like I could hardly keep my head above water! I had a lot of baking projects and Easter preperations! 

I always like to spoil my staff when they have to work on holidays so I wanted to make a bunch of sweet treats to go along with the delicious ham lunch I also prepared. 

Chocolate covered Oreos and mini cakes. The Oreos were fruit punch flavor a little different but good.
Cakepops... Lemon flavored and were a hassle. I think they got too dry and cracked. Nothing worse than things going your way! 
I wanted to throw the pan across the room in anger. Do you ever feel if your having an off week it reflects in your creative output? I feel like that was me this week.
Rice crispy treats! Always a favorite! 

Along with these i had 2 baking projects. A rainbow unicorn cake for a child's birthday and a garden whimsical cake for another birthday. For once in my life, I was trying not to procrastinate and got the cakes done early and I'm happy I did because i had a few issues along the way.

Cherry chip rainbow unicorn sheet cake. 
Colors of the rainbow!

Garden party whimsical cake! I loved this one it's one of my favorite creations so far! Id like to try to do a whole watercolor cake after using food coloring like paint for the grass on the bottom layer.

Dispite my crazy week and creative block I managed to get it all done!

I celebrated Easter at work. It wasn't the busiest day but everyone enjoyed their goodies and lunch! 
Me and the girls on Easter
And although I didn't get to see them my ever so cute niece and nephew showcasing the shirts i made for them! They are the cutest models!

Despite the stressfull week and few minor set backs I was really happy with the outcome of this weeks projects! Until the next time...

Sarah :)

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